This online forum, moderated by Dr. Kathy Lohr, focuses on reflective and
creative practices that support and facilitate self-directed and
lifelong learning. Dr. Lohr will share insights into reflective activities embedded in the adult classroom and reflective practice by educators. Featured here will be podcasts, blog posts, and relevant resources.
Dr. Kathy Lohr is a Teaching Associate Professor at East Carolina University with more than a decade of instructing graduate coursework in adult education. Her research focuses on the developmental needs and motivations of adult learners across the life course, particularly in our age of increased longevity. Her practice focuses on creative, narrative, and critical reflection in building learner identity. She recently co-authored the chapter, Older Adults: Learning and Identity in the 2020 Edition of The Handbook of Adult and Continuing Education. She holds a doctorate in Adult and Community College Education from North Carolina State University.