Showing posts with label Podcast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Podcast. Show all posts

Friday, June 9, 2023

Time Perspective


Our relationship and beliefs about time impact our daily activity and our educational undertakings yet these time perspectives are learned and can be changed. In this episode, Dr. Kathy Lohr describes one typology of time perspective described in the literature and how it can be applied in the adult classroom. By integrating reflective activities such as stories that encourage accomplishment, gratitude, and endeavor, we as facilitators help our adult learners develop balance and flexibility. Join the online forum and share your insights.


Listen to the Podcast


Episode 2 Reflective and Creative Practices Transcripts


Brookfield, S. (2012). Teaching for critical thinking: Tools and techniques to help students question their assumptions. Jossey-Bass.

Schon, D. (1987). Educating the reflective practitioner: Toward a new design for teaching and learning in the professions. Jossey-Bass.

Zimbardo, P. (2023). The time paradox website.

Zimbardo, P., & Boyd, J. (2008). The time paradox: The new psychology of time that will change your life. Free Press.

Zimbardo, P., Sword, R., & Sword, R. (2012). The time cure: Overcoming PTSD with the new psychology of time perspective therapy. Jossey-Bass.


Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Using Participation Rationale to Personalize Course Content


Discussion boards help students to reflect on how the course content connects to their professional and personal lives while sharing their knowledge and creating community. In this episode, Kathy Lohr describes the activity “Participation Rationale” in which students choose their best initial prompt and three replies to their classmates that they are most proud of. Dr. Lohr provides four examples of students’ posts for this activity. Join the forum and share your insights.


Listen to Podcast

Reflective and Creative Practice for Adult Educators Episode 1 Transcripts



Crossley, A. (2013, May 8). Lifted [Video]. Pixar.

MacKeracher, D. (2004). Making sense of adult learning, 2nd. Ed. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Program on Intergroup Relations and the Spectrum Center. (n.d.). Social Identity Wheel. University of Michigan.

Shepard, J.M. (2019, January 2). 3 kinds of bias that shape your worldview. TED.

Time Perspective

  Our relationship and beliefs about time impact our daily activity and our educational undertakings yet these time perspectives are learned...